

The following links will take you to series that have been preached - they are listed under the categories shown. If you wish to see a list of all series available then please see below.

The only sermons not to be found in this section of the site are those which are ordered teaching through a book of the Bible. These can be found on the home page.

All series available:

Series # Series Theme
1 Thinking through Issues
2 Christmas
3 The life of Jacob
4 The life of Hezekiah
5 Christ - Prophet, Priest & King
6 Church Membership
7 The Gospel in Prepositions
8 Living the Christian Life
9 The life of Peter
10 Letters to the Churches (Revelation)
11 Salvation
12 Holiness
13 Humiliation & Exaltation of Christ
14 Future Glory
15 The Temple
16 Christ and the Spirit
17 Spiritual Worship
18 The Life of Samson
19 Jesus' Ancestors
20 The Biblical Gospel
21 Relationships
22 To us a child is born
23 Biblical Principles for engaging with Popular Culture
24 Endurance
25 What did the Cross achieve?
26 NREC Away Day 2012 - P Naylor on Joshua
27 The Colossal Christ
28 Snapshots of Isaac
29 Samson
30 Justification
31 David - Out of the depths
32 The Lamb of God Appears
33 Lazarus
34 Praying as God commands
35 Consider Your Calling
36 Sin
37 Personal Sanctification
38 Obscure Old Testament Heroes
39 The Grace of our Lord Jesus Christ
40 The Doctrine of Man
41 The Emotional Life of Christ
42 Messages from Calvary
43 Jesus and His People
44 Concerning Spiritual Gifts
45 The Life of Joseph
46 O Death, where is your victory?
47 The End of the Beginning
48 Timothy
49 Cosmic War
50 After the End
51 Mighty to Save
52 Call the Sabbath a Delight
53 The Riches of His Grace
54 The Foolishness of God
55 Contentment
56 Singing & Supping
57 Reconciliation
58 The Church according to Ephesians
59 God the Holy Spirit
60  Christ's Passion in John's Gospel
61  The Fatherhood of God
62  The Exalted Christ
63  Courts, Couples & Calling
64  The Mystery of Godliness
65  The man who could not curse (Balaam)
66  In The Beginning