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Winlaton Sermons

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Most recent sermons Bible Passage / Theme Preacher
  Sunday 10 Nov '24 AM Hebrews 13:11-14 D Peters  
  Sunday 10 Nov '24 PM Matthew 5:9 D Peters  

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Old Testament

Genesis II Chronicles Daniel

.New Testament

Exodus Ezra Hosea
Leviticus Nehemiah Joel Matthew Ephesians Hebrews
Numbers Esther Amos Mark Philippians James
Deuteronomy Job Obadiah Luke Colossians I Peter
Joshua Psalms Jonah John I Thessalonians II Peter
Judges Proverbs Micah Acts II Thessalonians I John
Ruth Ecclesiastes Nahum Romans I Timothy II John
I Samuel Song of Solomon Habakkuk I Corinthians II Timothy III John
II Samuel Isaiah Zephaniah II Corinthians Titus Jude
I Kings Jeremiah Haggai Galatians Philemon Revelation
II Kings Lamentations Zechariah
I Chronicles Ezekiel Malachi

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